
Dentures in Leesburg, Va.

Whether you are missing a few teeth or you need to have all your teeth removed, you don’t have to live without teeth! In fact, it can be damaging to your oral health and your health in general if you don’t do something about missing teeth. Dr. Talib Salim Ali and the staff at Avatar Dental Care can help. If you are missing teeth, dentures from Dr. Ali may be the solution for you.

What types of dentures are there?

After giving your mouth a thorough exam, Dr. Ali will be able to advise you on the type of dentures that are right for you. There are two types: partial and complete.

Complete dentures (often known as “plates”) are for patients who have no teeth. They cover the entire upper or lower jaw.

Partial dentures are used when a patient is only missing a few teeth. This type of denture attaches to nearby teeth. Some partial dentures are removable and are made of plastic for the gum and teeth and a metal framework. Partial dentures can be fixed. Bridges are an example of a fixed partial denture. These are often made of porcelain.

What is the procedure for getting complete dentures?

If you need complete dentures because you have had your teeth removed, your mouth will need time to heal. Dr. Ali can give you temporary dentures while your mouth heals which usually takes about a month.

It will take many visits to Dr. Ali to get your permanent dentures. After he examines your mouth, the two of you can discuss what size you would like your new teeth to be. This can depend on the size of your mouth and jaw and on how your jaws fit together when you close your mouth.

When it is decided how your new teeth should look, Dr. Ali will take impressions of your mouth and write up a detailed prescription for your dentures. This will be sent to a lab where a dental technician will make your dentures.

What happens if I don’t do something about my missing teeth?

You may think that the biggest problems that come with missing teeth are being afraid to smile and maybe having some trouble speaking and enjoying your favorite foods. However, missing teeth can cause many serious health problems.

If you are missing a few teeth, your remaining teeth will start to shift. As teeth become misaligned, they can be harder to keep clean, which can lead to tooth decay and gum disease. Shifting teeth can affect your bite, which can lead to painful jaw problems.

Missing teeth can cause the gums to recede as they depend on the tooth root structure for support. And, when teeth are missing, the jawbone starts to degrade. You should also know that the longer you wait to do something about missing teeth, the more difficult and expensive it can be to correct the problem.

What happens after I get my dentures?

It can take some time to get used to wearing dentures. It may take some time to adjust to eating and even speaking. Your mouth may be sore at first, and it will take some time and practice to figure out how to best insert and remove your dentures.

Until you are used to wearing dentures, you should stay away from chewy or sticky foods that may move your dentures around. Stick to soft foods. As you get used to your dentures and your cheeks and tongue naturally work to keep them in place, you can start to return to your regular diet. However, although it will take some time to adjust, you can rest assured that soon you won’t even notice you are wearing dentures!

How do I care for my dentures?

After you get your dentures, Dr. Ali will want to see you for several follow-up appointments, to make sure they aren’t giving you any problems and to make sure they fit right. If you notice that your dentures are making a clicking noise, are slipping, have an unpleasant odor or are irritating your gums, you should make an appointment with Dr. Ali right away.

How much will dentures cost?

The cost of dentures can vary, depending on many factors. The staff at Avatar Dental would be happy to discuss cost with you. We also take many types of insurance – Aetna, Delta Dental, and Anthem to name just a few. We would be happy to check with your insurance company to see what they will pay.

If you have been living with missing or damaged teeth, you will be surprised to find how great you’ll feel after you get your new dentures! They won’t just improve your smile. They’ll improve your life! Call Dr. Ali and Avatar Dental Care to discuss dentures today! The number is (571) 577-8457.

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545 E. Market Street Suite G | Leesburg, Virginia, 20176

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