Sleep Apnea



Snore Quiz

Your answers to this quiz will help you decide whether you may suffer from sleep apnea:

1. Are you a loud and/or regular snorer?

2. Have you ever been observed to gasp or stop breathing during sleep?

3. Do you feel tired or groggy upon awakening, or do you awaken with a headache?

4. Are you often tired or fatigued during the wake time hours?

5. Do you fall asleep sitting, reading, watching TV or driving?

6. Do you often have problems with memory or concentration?

lf you have one or more of these symptoms, you are at higher risk for having obstructive sleep apnea.

lf you are also overweight, have a large neck, and/or have high blood pressure, the risk increases even further.

Are you one of Z?

Approximately one in every seven adults experiences sleep-disordered breathing.

Sleep-disordered breathing is characterized by numerous, brief {10 second or so) interruptions of breathing during sleep. These interruptions, which usually occur when relaxation of the upper airway muscles decreases airflow, lower the level of oxygen in the blood and, as a result, affected individuals are frequently aroused from deep sleep as they struggle to breathe. Symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing include loud snoring and daytime sleepiness. The most common form is SDB is Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA).

When to See a Doctor

OSA can occur in men, women and children of all ages and sizes. Most people who have OSA do not realize they suffer from the condition. Often, it is someone else who witnesses the first signs of OSA.

Consult a medical professional if you experience, or if your partner observes the following:

1. Snoring loud enough to disturb the sleep of others or yourself

2. Shortness of breath that awakens you from sleep

3. lntermittent pauses in your breathing during sleep

4. Excessive daytime drowsiness, which may cause you to fall asleep while you're working, watching television or even driving

Many people don't think of snoring as a sign of something potentially serious, and not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. But be sure to talk to your doctor if you experience loud snoring, especially snoring that's punctuated by periods of silence.

Ask your doctor about any sleep problem that leaves you chronically fatigued, sleepy and irritable. Excessive daytime drowsiness (hypersomnia) may be due to other disorders, such as narcolepsy.

Sleep Apnea may occur in as much as 20 to 40 percent of the Adult Population who are snorers.

About 20 Million Americans have OSA and 9O% go Undiagnosed.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea is associated with Heart Disease Hypertension, Stokes, Heart Attacks, Type ll Diabetes, Gastric Reflux, Cognitive Dysfunction, Fatigue, plus greatly increases the risk of motor vehicle accidents, personal and work related accidents, poor performance, depression and many other issues.

Snoring is known to be a sign of strained breathing, which can affect one's ability to have a restful night's sleep. Sleep Apnea is when a person's airway is completely closed off (Apnea) or partially blocked (Hypopnea) for 10 seconds or longer, at least five times/hour, and one's oxygen level is reduced at least 4Yo, and there is an arousal from sleep.

Many people don't think of snoring as a sign of something potentially serious, and not everyone who has sleep apnea snores. But be sure to talk to your doctor if you experience loud snoring, especially snoring that's punctuated by periods of silence.

Ask your doctor about any sleep problem that leaves you chronically fatigued, sleepy and irritable. Excessive daytime drowsiness (hypersomnia) may be due to other disorders,such as narcolepsy.

What are the Risk Factors?

Sleep apnea may occur if you're young or old, male or female. Even children can have sleep apnea' But certain factors put you at increased risk:

Excess weight. Fat deposits around your upper airway may obstruct your breathing. However, not everyone who has sleep apnea is overweight. Thin people develop the disorder, too.

Snoring {snoring can cause the soft palate to lengthen, which in turn can obstruct the airway)

Neck circumference. The size of your neck may indicate whether or not you have an increased risk of sleep apnea. That's because a thick neck may narrow the airway and may be an indication of excess weight. A neck circumference greater than 17.5 inches (44 centimeters) is associated with an increased risk of obstructive sleep apnea.

A narrowed airway. You may inherit a naturally narrow throat. Or, your tonsils or adenoids may become enlarged, which can block your airway.

Being male. Men are twice as likely to have sleep apnea as women are. However, women increase their risk if they're overweight, and the risk also appears to rise after menopause.

Family history. lf you have family members with sleep apnea, you may be at increased risk.

Use of alcohol, sedatives or tranquilizers. These substances relax the muscles in your throat.

Smoking. Smokers are three times as likely to have obstructive sleep apnea as are people who've never smoked. Smoking may increase the amount of inflammation and fluid retention in the upper airway. This risk likely drops after you quit smoking.

What happens if Sleep Apnea is not treated?

Sleep apnea is considered a serious medical condition. Left untreated, complications may include:

High blood pressure {hypertension). Sleep apnea is not uncommon in people with hypertension.

Cardiovascular problems. Sudden drops in blood oxygen levels that occur during sleep apnea increase blood pressure and strain the cardiovascular system. lf you have obstructive sleep apnea, your risk of high blood pressure (hypertension) can be up to two to three times greater than if you don't. The more severe your sleep apnea, the greater the risk of high blood pressure.

Stroke. Obstructive sleep apnea also increases the risk of stroke, regardless of whether you have high blood pressure. People with sleep apnea are three times more likely to suffer a stroke or die, compared to people in a similar state of health but without sleep apnea.

Daytime fatigue. The repeated awakenings associated with sleep apnea make normal, restorative sleep impossible. People with sleep apnea often experience severe daytime drowsiness, fatigue and irrjtability. You may have difficulty concentrating and find yourself falling asleep at work, while watching TV or even when driving. You may also feel irritable, moody br depressed. Children and adolescents with sleep apnea may do poorly in school or have behavior problems.

Traffic accidents. Siudies have shown that patients with OSA perform poorly on driving simulation tests and have an accident rcte 2-7 times as high as people without OSA.

Sleep-deprived partners. Loud snoring can keep those around you from getting good rest and eventually disrupt your relationships. lt's not uncommon for a partner to go to another room, or even on another floor of the house, to be able to sleep. Many bed partners of people who snore are sleep deprived as well.

Memory problems, depression and other complications. People with sleep apnea may also complain of memory problems, morning headaches, mood swings or feelings of depression, a need to urinate frequently at night (nocturia), and impotence. Gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD) may be more prevalent in people with sleep apnea. Children with untreated sleep apnea may be hyperactive and may be diagnosed with attentiondeficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Complications with medications and surgery. Obstructive sleep apnea is also a concern with certain medications and general anesthesia. People with sleep apnea may be more likely to experience complications following major Surgery because they're prone to breathing problems, especially when sedated and lying on their backs. Before you have surgery, tell your doctor that you have sleep apnea. Undiagnosed sleep apnea is especially risky in this situation.

Type ll Diabetes. Recent reports have indicated that the majority of patients with type 2 diabetes also have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Data suggests that OSA is also independently associated with alterations in glucose metabolism and places patients at an increased risk of the development of type 2 diabetes.

Other disorders and syndromes. Hypothyroidism, acromegaly, amyloidosis, vocal cord paralysis, post-polio syndrome, neuromuscular disorders, Marfan's syndrome, and Down Syndrome.

Other physical conditions. Conditions such as immune system abnormalities, severe heartburn or acid reflux and high blood pressure. lt isn't clear whether the conditions are the cause or the result of sleep apnea.

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