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Friendly Staff. Excellent Service. Beautiful Smiles.


Welcome to the office of Dustin D. Karren, DMD.

Our entire team takes great satisfaction in helping you maintain optimal oral health for a beautiful, confident smile. Our practice is devoted to comprehensive and preventive dental care and we excel in all aspects of general and cosmetic dentistry.

There are many direct benefits to choosing Dr. Karren and his team. But if we had to choose one single point to share today it would revolve around the word TRUST. As our patient, you can trust that we keep up with the very latest in dental technology innovations—all designed to increase your comfort and treatment quality. You can trust that we spend hundreds of hours in continuing education to stay on dentistry's leading edge. You can trust that we always strive to "meet you where you are" in long term treatment plan recommendations. Great dentistry can only have a positive impact on your life if it's affordable. We're very sensitive to that. You can trust that we provide an atmosphere centered on personalized service and patient satisfaction. We treat people, not teeth.

Our patients are our most important asset, and we strive to develop long-lasting, trusting relationships with all of our patients. Our team has been working together for well over a decade providing exceptional dental care in a welcoming environment. We are always happy to accept new patients and we appreciate any referral of your friends and family; it is the greatest compliment you could give us!

You are our number one priority so we are working hard to make it easier than ever for you to greet the world with a beautiful and confident smile. We look forward to seeing you!

If you have any questions please call us. We love hearing from our patients and anyone who may be interested in becoming one.

We’ll Provide You With That Winning Smile!


  • "Dr. Karren operates a truly first-class dental office. My families teeth and smiles have benefited from his extraordinary talents, professionalism and humanity. His staff is not only outstanding, but efficient and demonstrates great team work and respect for one another. I would highly recommend Dr. Karren to be your next dentist and the dentist of choice for your family."










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We'll Provide You With That Winning Smile