Endoscopic Treatment



Traditionally, the more aggressive treatment option for people suffering from the advanced stages of periodontal disease has been surgery. Now there is a new procedure called Perioscopy, featuring miniaturized digital video technology that enables your clinician to diagnose and treat areas below the gumline without the discomfort and inconvenience of surgery.

For the first time, clinicians using the dental endoscope can see magnified details of tooth anatomy and deposits below the gumline to diagnose and treat periodontal disease in a minimally invasive way.



  • Advanced microscopic video technology enhanced by 20-40X magnification.
  • Enables clinicians to diagnose and treat subgingivally (below the gum line) without surgery.
  • Permits non-surgical direct vision of the tooth root to enhance periodontal treatment and reduce the need for surgery.

Perioscopy: THE BENEFITS

  • Provides a comfortable, non-surgical, periodontal treatment option.
  • Pinpoints unseen deposits that cause bleeding and inflammation.
  • Enables detection of periodontal conditions and other dental problems in earlier, more manageable states.
  • Enhances effectiveness of regular periodontal maintenance programs.
  • Raises the standard of oral health care by using a new level of visualization to help fight periodontal disease and associated tooth loss.



Unfortunately, periodontal disease is very common in adults. The symptoms of periodontal disease are bleeding, red or swollen gums and can also include bad odor, discomfort on chewing and loose or shifting teeth. There are many factors that contribute to this chronic infection, such as poor oral hygiene, stress, smoking, medical conditions like diabetes, or inherited genetic tendencies. Since the silent symptoms of periodontal disease often only become noticeable in the more moderate-to-advanced stages, it is essential to have regular check-ups and professional cleanings to preserve your oral health and help keep your natural teeth for a lifetime.


A Surgeon General’s Report and a growing number of research studies suggest that there are links between chronic oral infections (periodontitis) and diabetes, heart and lung disease, stroke and even low-birth-weight babies. Taking good care of your oral health today may protect your overall health in days to come.


Regular brushing and flossing as well as professional cleaning by your dentist or hygienist can slow or even reverse gingivitis, the milder form of periodontal disease. Treatment of moderate or advanced periodontitis is more complex. At this stage, the damage is difficult to reverse, so the focus of treatment is to control the infection and prevent additional deterioration. A common procedure called scaling and root planing involves scraping the hard deposits from the root surfaces of the teeth below the gum line. Treatment may also involve other oral, topical or localized medications that help fight the infection and stop bacteria and enzymes from attacking gums and bone. For many people, surgery has been the last option.


People with periodontal disease have a new minimally invasive treatment option that may keep them from resorting to surgery. Perioscopy also offers an option to patients with special conditions who cannot tolerate surgery, as well as patients on standard periodontal maintenance plans.


During Perioscopy, under local anesthesia a small fiber optic camera is placed below the gumline. Using this unique visualization device, clinicians are able to achieve very thorough cleaning to the bottom of the pocket, which promotes healing and potentially prevents further damage and tooth loss.


In keeping with their commitment to stay on the forefront of medical and technological innovations and provide the highest quality of care, your dentist and hygienist have received special training in the use of the Perioscope. Your dental practice is pleased to be able to provide you with this state-of-the-art treatment alternative and would be happy to discuss any questions you might have.


What Is Perioscopy?

Perioscopy is a procedure using a miniature dental endoscope with advanced video, lighting and magnification technology that enables your doctor or hygienist to diagnose and treat areas below the gumline non-surgically.

How does the dental endoscope work?

A miniature camera is attached to a tiny fiber optic probe and then gently placed below the gumline. The images are immediately displayed on a chairside video screen for your clinician and you to see. The dental endoscope provides 20-40X magnification disclosing minute details under the gums that, before the advent of this technology, might easily be missed.

What are the advantages of Perioscopy?

Perioscopy allows your clinician to see, accurately diagnose and effectively treat periodontal and other dental conditions which might otherwise go undetected and ultimately undermine your oral health and perhaps even affect your overall well-being. Perioscopy is a great new tool for the preservation of natural teeth and the fight against periodontal disease.

Is Perioscopy right for me?

If you have one or more pockets over 4 mm deep, as well as other suspected dental conditions, then you may be a candidate for Perioscopy. If you are being treated for periodontal disease, the goal of a Perioscopy treatment is to get a tooth root exceptionally clean so that the gums and other surrounding tissues can become healthier. Perioscopy is especially effective in the “esthetic zone” or the teeth you see when you smile, because it is so minimally invasive.

Can surgery be avoided with Perioscopy?

In many cases, the need for surgery can be avoided. Gum surgery is a frequently used therapy for patients with advanced periodontitis. Now Perioscopy offers another option which can be used to treat you comfortably and effectively without the apprehension and discomfort of surgery. Your doctor or hygienist will outline your treatment options and together you can decide if Perioscopy is right for you.

How long does Perioscopy take?

Because of the intricate clinical nature of Perioscopy, procedures tend to take a bit longer than a standard appointment with a doctor or hygienist. Depending on the condition and location of the teeth being cared for, treatment usually takes from one to two hours.

Is Perioscopy expensive?

Perioscopy treatment is typically less than the cost of surgery. Patients frequently report that Perioscopy was definitely a worthwhile investment and helped them to save their natural teeth.

Does It hurt?

Generally, there is very little, if any discomfort after a Perioscopy appointment. Your clinician is committed to taking the appropriate steps to ensure your comfort.

What can I expect?

Each patient will respond differently although many times a deep pocket will improve significantly.


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