Soft Tissue Laser

Laser Gum Treatment in Glendale, AZ

LANAP, Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure

LANAP is a ground-breaking new surgical laser gum surgery for all of phoenix. This therapeutic procedure replaces older more dated ways of treatments of periodontitis, or Gum Disease. LANAP is an acronym for Laser-Assisted New Attachment Procedure.

The LANAP system is an innovative tried and true method for creating new connective tissue attachments to the teeth at a coronal level. It essentially creates the most ideal situation for growth on the root surfaces that were diseased before treatment began. In most cases, the LANAP laser gum treatment eliminates the need for conventional cut and suture periodontal surgery, also referred to as flap and osseous surgery. The laser itself is fed through a fiber optic cable and can distinguish between diseased gums as opposed to healthy gums and treats accordingly by using ultraviolet light to eradicate the "Bad Bacteria" which is typically a darker thicker color and leaves the healthier necessary teeth bacteria behind. This technique received clearance by the FDA in 2004.

Patient Comfort

LANAP is a near painless procedure that showcases a doctor's skill and ability with patients and treatment. Dr. Delavari is an expert with LANAP procedures and uses the process with many patients. Many patients who receive LANAP treatment are elated at how quick the process was along with it being a less painful technique than they might have thought initially.

LANAP Frequently Asked Questions
What is LANAP?

LANAP is an acronym that refers to laser-assisted new attachment procedure. It is also known as laser gum surgery or laser gum therapy. LANAP is a new surgical-therapeutic procedure that has replaced older and dated treatment methods for gum disease. Here are some of the benefits to using LANAP:

  • Fast recovery time: compared to traditional gum surgery, LANAP offers a much faster recovery time. This is because no healthy gum tissue is damaged during the LANAP while standard gum surgery requires the gums to be cut open and sewn back up.
  • Available to most patients: traditional gum surgery isn’t a viable option for many patients with certain health issues. However, LANAP is available to the majority of patients out there, even those who are not candidates for traditional gum surgery because of health concerns.
  • Virtually pain free: LANAP is reported by patients to have less bleeding and pain involved with the procedure when compared to traditional gum surgery.
  • Less risk for infection: inflammation and bacteria are greatly reduced in LANAP over traditional gum surgery.
  • Gum disease reversion: the negative effects of gum disease can actually be reversed by laser gum surgery which allows patients to help save their teeth and regenerate bone.

How Does LANAP Work For My Gums?

The purpose of LANAP is to treat gum disease. It is a method that has been tested and proven to, at a coronal level; create new connective tissue attachments to your teeth. LANAP creates an ideal situation that promotes periodontal ligament, cementum, and new bone growth. This is accomplished because the procedure reduces the pockets between teeth and gums. These pockets are where the gum disease causing bacteria tend to grow. LANAP manages to kill the bacteria and close these gaps. In the majority of cases, LANAP is sufficient enough by itself and gets rid of the need for traditional gum disease surgery involving cutting and suturing. The product and process involved in LANAP was given clearance in 2004 by the FDA.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you have any questions about LANAP, please contact the Lifetime Smiles today. Additionally, if you’re interested in receiving a LANAP, you should scheduled an appointment with us.

Contact Us Today!

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Location

6666 W Peoria Ave, Suite 117 | Glendale, AZ 85302

Office Hours

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9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


By Appointment Only


9:00 am-5:00 pm


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