Boones Ferry Dental Blog

How to Choose a Local Dentist When There Are So Many Options
Posted on: Saturday, December 17th, 2016

Taking care of your mouth is as important as taking care of all other body parts. Which is why, it’s important to choose a local dentist. If you are new in town and unsure of how to look for a local dentist in Lake Oswego keep reading for our easy tips on searching for the right local dentist in Lake Oswego.

1. Ask the people around you.

Your family and friends

Look for a relative or friend who have undergone dental, oral check-ups or treatments with a local dentist, and ask for past experiences and feedback about that dentist. Your local family and friends can help you choose the right dentist in Lake Oswego if they are more familiar with the people and the place. The more friends and relatives you ask, the better. If most of them mentioned the same dentist, then this dentist might really be good in his profession.

Your former dentist or physician

Nothing beats asking the pros! If you are new in town, you may want to ask for suggestions about the best local dentist for you. Most dentists have connections with other dentists in other places. Ever thought of asking your doctor? Your Physician could be a great resource and is sure to have a few recommendations.

2. Use the Internet

Our generation is in the fast lane which means we’re really lucky to be in a hi-tech generation where anything and everything can be searched about. With a few clicks on your mobile phone or PC, you can quickly search for the best local dentist in Lake Oswego.

3. Consider the following factors in choosing the right dentist

Location and schedules

If you’re a very busy person, or just really want to get “the fastest way out”, choose a local dentist that is close to where you spend the majority of your time; home, office, library, or school.

Professional qualifications

A good dentist has a stellar reputation. On your visit to the dental clinic or office, make some observations. Be keen for details that tell about the dentist’s trainings and specializations. Also observe the office staff and the way they give out information. It’s good to know that your dentist and staff are keeping confidential information to themselves.

Charged fees

Check the local competition’s pricing and use that as a comparison when calling around. Ask for different fees associated with different procedures. Keep in mind, some treatments may have higher costs depending on the complication and difficulty of the treatment.

Attitude and treatment towards clients

The feeling of being comfortable can be a great factor in choosing a dentist who is right for you. It is important you feel confident enough to tell the dentist about all your dental concerns. If you are not feeling comfortable, it will be hard to achieve the results you really want.

Things Your Dentist Can Do When Faced With A Dental Emergency
Posted on: Thursday, December 1st, 2016

Accidents may happen to anyone – anytime, anywhere. Unfortunately, some people consciously put themselves at risk because of different habits and activities. But nonetheless, these are still emergencies and should be attended to immediately.

Dental emergencies can be assisted by Lake Oswego dentists who are alert 24/7 for any emergency reported to the authorities or called upon in the bleak of the moment. Dental emergency dentists are usually available on an on-call basis through a hospital. Some Lake Oswego emergency dentist also work with other clinics or have their own clinic intended for emergency purposes. Unlike regular dental clinics, these clinics are open in the evening hours on a needs-only basis.

What dental emergencies Lake Oswego are usually attended to and what remedies do emergency dentists apply?

Fractured teeth

Fractured teeth should be immediately attended to, to prevent pulpal infections. Seeing a dentist within 24-hours is necessary to prevent any further damage. The emergency dentist may apply a dentine padding on the affected area.

Trauma and Bleeding

A tooth that falls out usually causes bleeding, but eventually will stop; the problem is when the area doesn’t clot or when the clot dislodges and causes further bleeding. Pressure needs to be applied on the bleeding area for fifteen to thirty minutes, until the bleeding ceases.

Tooth ache

Periapical periodontitis or persistent toothache is a more common dental emergency a dentist encounters. When not immediately attended to, this painful toothache may lead to severe damages like abscess, which can cause swelling of the face.

Complications after dental surgery

Surgery may cause discomforts and pain to a patient, in some instances, condition and pain may persist, and there is little medication that can help with this. Often, painkillers such as ibuprofen or Advil aren’t effective enough to target this problem area. When this happens, it is best to go to an available emergency dentist.

Lost filling

Fillings, inlays and onlays are put in your tooth to protect them from further decay. Losing, or total damage to the tooth filling, may allow food particles to get stuck in your teeth. This may cause pain, discomfort and infection.

For your safety, try to avoid activities that may cause damage to your teeth or any part of your body, for that matter. Don’t use your teeth for opening or cutting things as this may lead to pain and damages to your teeth and gums. Avoid doing things just because you think you can do it or you’re too lazy to do what is proper, such as not getting the pair of scissors in the kitchen because you want to use your teeth. Prevention is better than cure!

Not all dentists offer dental emergency services. It’s important to be informed of the emergency services near you, especially during evening, nights or weekends when normal clinics are closed.

5 Foods to Avoid for Healthier Teeth
Posted on: Thursday, October 27th, 2016

As Halloween and Christmas draw near, both children and adults start to anticipate different food and candies they will have. Many kids already know what they want to receive and what they want to give away. Unfortunately, with these holidays, some kids and adults tend to become prone to cavities and plaque. Although we may be responsible enough to brush our teeth and our children’s teeth, there are some foods that Lake Oswego dentist’s will advise you to avoid because of the damage they can bring to our teeth.

Some of these foods are not just sweets- there are many other foods that can start damaging your teeth if eaten regularly. Here are the top five foods you need to avoid to have a healthier set of pearly whites;

Sticky Candies and Dried Fruits

Most of us realize sticky and long-lasting candies can badly affect our teeth, but dried fruits shouldn’t, right? Wrong. Dentist Lake Oswego have proven the dilemma that dried fruits can become sticky and with a large concentrated amount of sugar, they often have the same effect as candy. Hard candies, because of their long time in our mouths, can cause massive amounts of acid to accumulate which will damage your teeth. Sticky fruits and candies often get stuck in the corners of teeth which make it harder for saliva to neutralize the acids that have been produced.

Citrus Fruits

Although we should not completely avoid citrus fruits, it is important that we minimize our intake of citrus fruits. Eating too much citrus fruits can damage our teeth’s enamel and eventually make decay possible. Mouth sores also become more bothersome when choosing to eat citrus fruits and drink citrus juice.

Sports and Carbonated Drinks

Carbonated drinks have high acidity level while sports drinks usually contain more sugar than regular drinks. When these two are consumed on a regular basis, Lake Oswego dentists are not going to be happy at you checkups when they see large teeth issues. These drinks, especially carbonated drinks, dry the mouth causing a decrease in saliva. Saliva is important because it neutralizes acids and kills bacteria. Coffee and alcoholic beverages should also be avoided.


Seriously, stop chewing on ice! And stop your kids before they also start to chew on ice. Though your teeth may have strong enamel, it does not mean your teeth can’t be broken or damaged. Dentist in Lake Oswego do not recommend chewing on ice even when experiencing tooth pain because the tooth could end up chipped, cracked or broken.

Tips to Avoid Gum Disease
Posted on: Tuesday, September 6th, 2016


Normal and healthy gums are the reason why all your teeth are locked into position and help you chew through all kinds of foods. Subsequently, gum disease is one of the major causes of tooth loss since weakened gums can easily lead to displaced teeth.

If you’re starting to feel pain in your gums and notice bleeding at random intervals for no reason, an infection might be right around the corner. In such early stages however, it is easy to remove the threat of gum disease as it is not as serious a threat as it is in the more advanced stages.

Here are a few tips to avoid gum diseases in future:

1. Oral hygiene

Each and every dentist in the world will tell you that the best way to avoid any sort of diseases or infections is to maintain good oral hygiene and cleanliness. Brushing twice a day is essential; once after waking up and once before going to bed.

There are many places inside the mouth which are hard to reach by a toothbrush. To properly clean debris between the teeth, flossing is required on a regular basis as well as a mouthwash to keep bacteria at bay.

2. Dental Visits

No one can give you better dental advice than your dentist so it is essential to make regular trips to the dentist, while putting your fears aside. After all, good dental health is key to addressing some of those fear. Your dentist is the only one who can give you the correct guidance so as to how best you can maintain good hygiene levels and oral health. Without proper dental advice, you simply cannot diagnose how serious your dental issues are or might be in future.

3. No Smoking

Cigarette smoke contains over 4500 chemicals out of which some react with your saliva and increase the overall acidity of the mouth. This not only adversely affects your oral health but also causes discoloration and weakening of the gums in no time. As a smoker, you may be at risk of periodontal diseases and you need to either give up or cut down on smoking immediately. Smoking can also increase the likelihood of tooth loss, particularly if you’re a regular smoker.

Gum disease can cause serious issues, hence it is important to visit a dentist as soon as possible. Call

(503) 683-7484 today to book an appointment with Dr. Morrissey at Boones Ferry Dental. He’ll answer all your questions related to gum disease and also help you fight it.

5 Dental Blunders to Avoid
Posted on: Wednesday, August 3rd, 2016

Our teeth are not only meant to spread beautiful smiles but also boast a certain aesthetic value. It is important to look after your dental health and not to forget how your teeth help you enjoy your favorite foods and drinks. Don’t let those beautiful pearly whites wither away prematurely by making these major dental blunders.

Multitasking While Brushing

In the mornings, every minute counts as you’re getting ready to jet off to work. We just love brushing our teeth in the shower or while going through our emails and Twitter feeds. In the process, we tend not to pay attention to areas that need extra cleaning like the molars and tongue.

By not properly observing your daily brushing ritual, you’re only inviting trouble down the line. Stop everything you’re doing, stand in front of the mirror and focus only on the brushing. It barely takes 2-3 minutes. Now you’re giving your teeth the proper care and cleaning it deserves. Keep it up!.

Choosing Social Media to be Your Dentist

The web is flooded with DIY tips and natural remedies to deal with dental issues, which may seem very practical and time-savvy at the time, but in reality, they can hurt your teeth even more. You must remember, people giving away DIYs on dental health over social media are not qualified dentists. Believe it or not, people have found ways to whiten their teeth on Pinterest by gargling with off-the-counter peroxide, which is not good at all for your teeth. Similarly, some suggest using DIY rubber band braces if you’re having trouble closing your jaw properly.

We would never suggest any of this to patients because it’s a surefire way to not only ruin perfectly good teeth but also the smile that accompanies them. Don’t be a victim to social media dental DIYs and go see a real dentist at Boones Ferry Dental, if you want to retain that healthy smile.

Hard Brushing is Good Brushing

It’s a common misconception that brushing long and hard can keep the teeth and gums healthy. However, if you get a little too aggressive while brushing just to remove that last speck of food lodged in your gums, you might end up having dental issues. Some toothbrushes can also cause a lot of damage to your teeth and in the long run, hard brushing will wear down the enamel of your teeth. If the bristles on your brush are starting to bend and branch out, it’s an indication that you’re not only brushing too hard but also need to have your toothbrush replaced.

Using the Wrong Brush

You might be using a toothbrush that’s not ideal for your gums and teeth. Toothbrushes with stiff bristles can be really damaging; to minimize abrasions, look for a soft or ultra-soft toothbrush. Brushes come in different sizes and shapes, and it is best to let the dentist recommend one that fits your personal needs.

Making Assumptions

This is perhaps the most common blunder people need to avoid: making assumptions about your dental health based on the fact that since you’re not experiencing any pain or discomfort, your teeth and gums must be fine. The truth is, even though there may not be any problems immediately visible to the naked eye, dental complications can crop up in future, which is something only a professional dentist can properly assess and remedy.

It is quite possible that if certain conditions are not treated within time, the consequences can be dire. It doesn’t help either that a huge number of people avoid yearly dental check-ups. Even if your teeth are healthy, you need regular checkups. If you haven’t had any in the past year or so, it’s time to give Dr. Patrick Morrissey a call.

You can also book an appointment by calling us at (503) 683-7484. Speak to the dentists about dental blunders to avoid as some of these dental blunders can cause you major issues.

5 Reasons You Should Say Yes to Flossing
Posted on: Monday, May 30th, 2016

Flossing for many people is not even a last resort part of their oral hygiene. But if it wasn’t important, your dentist wouldn’t ask “Have you been flossing?” at each visit. What dentists have been trying to teach us for decades is that flossing is a key part of maintaining a healthy mouth and good looking teeth.

Here are five reasons as to why you should start flossing:

1. Proper Dental Care

Flossing should be a regular habit for everyone. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash work as a team to keep your mouth healthy, teeth looking great, and breath smelling clean. Proper and regular dental care including flossing plays a crucial role in not only a healthy mouth, but a healthy body. Recent studies have shown a link between cavity-and-gum-disease-causing-bacteria to heart disease, diabetes, and premature birth.

2. Flossing Prevents Tartar Accumulation

The white substance that your teeth get covered with at the end of the day is called plaque. It is actually full of bacteria. If the plaque is not removed regularly, it will harden and turn into tartar. If tartar is formed, then only a professional hygienist or dentist can remove it. Tartar is full of cavity that will eat through your enamel, potentially destroying teeth, gum tissues, and eventually supporting bone.

3. Prevents Gum Diseases

Dental floss reaches in between teeth along the gum line which can not be thoroughly cleaned with a toothbrush. Only flossing removes the food particles and accumulated bacteria. If plaque is not removed, then the bacteria can inflame gum tissue and lead to gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.

4. Prevents Cavities

Cavities or dental caries is the decay of the tooth due to the bacteria present on the tooth or in between two teeth. Slowly the affected area starts to go black and chips away disintegrating the tooth. Worst case scenario is that the bacteria starts affecting the interior of the tooth, which at some point may become a severe problem requiring root canal treatment or extraction.

5. Saves You Money

Adding dental floss to your shopping list and daily dental hygiene routine will not only prevent future, unexpected trips to the dentist, but also to your doctor because the harmful bacteria in the mouth will be regularly cleared away. Avoiding those emergency and other unexpected dental visits can cost a lot of money. Taking care of your teeth by spending $3 on a roll of floss could potentially save you hundreds of dollars in dental fees to treat the cavities, gum disease and other oral conditions.

For more details on how flossing helps and what else you can do to keep your teeth healthy, get in touch with Dr. Morrissey at Boones Ferry Dental. You can give us a call at (503) 683-7484 or visit our office in Lake Oswego, OR.

Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism You Can’t Afford to Miss
Posted on: Sunday, May 1st, 2016

You might not be familiar with the term, but bruxism is a common problem and you are probably familiar with the behavior. It is the persistent grinding, clenching, or gnashing of teeth. It often occurs in patients with anxiety issues or sleep disorders, like apnea. It has a wide range in severity, and can wax and wane over the course of a lifetime. But if you have it, you should talk to Dr. Morrissey for a proper diagnosis and treatment as soon as possible. It is also important to be aware of symptoms of bruxism.

Why is Bruxism a Concern?

The masseter (cheek muscle used to chew) is one of the strongest in the human body. It can exert up to 600 pounds of force per square inch. Imagine what that kind of constant pressure could do. It could easily wear down the structure of teeth causing fractures of flattening, reducing teeth to nubs. It could also cause joint and muscle problems, or more severe temporomandibular joint disorders (TMJ disorders).

Causes of Bruxism in Adults

One of the leading triggers for teeth grinding is anxiety. And if you already grind your teeth day and night, stress can make the condition worse. Also, there are those who grind their teeth regardless of anxiety. Some do it because of dental problems or poor alignment of teeth. Another contributor could also be sleep apnea. New research shows that those with partial breathing obstruction during sleep often have bruxism. The action of clenching the jaw and grinding teeth works to open the collapsed airway. So before you can seek treatment, the dentist needs to figure out the underlying cause of your grinding.

How do I Know If I Have It?

Most people do not even realize they are grinding their teeth, even when it is an ongoing habit. This is because the majority who suffer from bruxism often grind their teeth at night while they sleep. So, for proper diagnosis, Dr. Morrissey will ask some detailed questions and look for several signs and symptoms of the condition.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism

Common symptoms of bruxism include:

  • Exhaustion from lack of restful sleep
  • Recurring headaches
  • Consistent neck or jaw pain
  • Ear pain, not from an ear infection
  • Receding gums
  • Teeth sensitivity
  • Teeth that are flat or fractured
  • Loosening teeth
  • Beginnings of jaw joint disorders
  • Locked jaw that doesn’t fully close or open

People who occasionally grind their teeth don’t have anything to worry about. However, those who suffer from constant teeth grinding should seek professional help from Boones Ferry Dental. Call our office today at (503) 683-7484 or visit us at 5775 Willow Ln., Lake Oswego, OR, 97035 to speak about your case.

How Vital are Healthy Baby Teeth For Children?
Posted on: Friday, April 1st, 2016

How Vital are Healthy Baby Teeth For Children?

The importance of having healthy primary teeth or baby teeth cannot be understated. The teeth that erupt during infancy need to be taken care of as much as the adult teeth because their condition establishes a child’s dental health for the future. Damaged or underdeveloped primary teeth can result in various health issues.

Your child starts out with baby teeth because a child’s mouth is too small for permanent teeth. While these teeth may appear to be only temporary, it is crucial that they be taken care of. Just like a healthy, complete smile has a positive emotional effect on adults, children are also well aware of how they look. Having an unhealthy mouth or compromised teeth can really affect how a child feels. By the age of 13, a child’s mouth is big enough to accommodate permanent teeth and that’s usually when the last of the adult teeth come in, aside from the wisdom teeth.

What Is The Purpose of Baby Teeth?

The growth and health of your child is dependent on the primary teeth. Here is why healthy baby teeth are essential for a baby:

They allow children to chew and consume solid and nutritious foods so that they receive sufficient nourishment for their developing bodies.

The construction of a children’s mouth and teeth is critical for them to properly learn and to speak. The sounds of the letters can’t be learned adequately without a healthy set of teeth.

Permanent teeth erupt in place of their respective baby teeth. If for some reason baby teeth have fallen off prematurely, are crooked or have some other defect, it can hurt the permanent teeth as well.

How to Care For Baby Teeth?

There are a few things you can do to take care of your baby’s primary teeth.

Teething: Giving your child a cold and suitable teether to bite on is one of the many things you can do to help through their teeth eruption phase. Usually teeth grow in intervals so giving your child a teether, pediatrician recommended pain relievers (such as Tylenol) and a little massage on the gums can be very soothing and comforting for them.

Brushing: As soon as the first tooth appears, you should start brushing it every night with water and a soft-bristled baby toothbrush. By the age of one, children usually have several teeth and more keep erupting until they are three. All this time you should be brushing your child’s teeth with a fluoride-free toothpaste.

Dental visits: The ADA recommends that you take your child for their first dental visit as soon as the first birthday comes. After that, an annual dental visit for tooth cleaning, plaque removal, and fluoride application is important.

If you want to know more about how to care for your baby’s teeth, give Boones Ferry Dental a call at (503) 683-7484 and book an appointment.

7 Daily Habits That Can Endanger Your Oral and Dental Health
Posted on: Tuesday, March 1st, 2016

We all would hate to loose our teeth but most of us have habits which may jeopardize the health of our teeth in the longer term. Let’s take a look at some of such common daily habits.

Chewing on Hard Objects

That includes pens, pencils, ice cubes, or any thing that isn’t meant to be chewed. Doing this harms the outer enamel layer on the teeth that protects them. Not just that, it may put cracks on them and you may be left with some crooked teeth after sometime since these hard objects have the capacity to fracture your teeth.

Grinding Your Teeth

Grinding isn’t as intentional as some of the other habits in this list. However, it is perhaps the most dangerous since it inflicts nightly damage on your teeth and after a while you can be facing serious problems because of it. Do visit your doctor to check whether you grind your teeth or not, take precautions and consider treatment as it will go a long way towards ensuring your dental and physical health.

Using Teeth as Tools

We all do this from time to time. But we shouldn’t. It is not only unnecessary stress on the teeth to open a can or straighten a bent fork or break an apricot or pistachio cell, it can also go completely out of hand and damage your mouth. Keeping those things away from the mouth and using proper tools is best course for everyone.

Using Hard Tooth Brush

hard tooth brushThis misconception needs to die, using a hard tooth brush or excessive brushing from a normal brush can harm the teeth as much as not brushing them. If the roots are exposed, then using a hard-bristled brush is even more dangerous. Always use a normal or soft-bristled brush.


Smoking and other uses of tobacco cause the mouth to dry, which increase the risk of bacteria accumulation and gum disease.

Excessive Sugar Consumption

Similarly, excessive use of sugary items increases the need for cleansing but that doesn’t usually happen and as a result, teeth get exposed to many different form of bacteria escalating the chances of gum disease or tooth decay.

Improper Cleansing

And most of all, the improper daily dental care is the reason why people face problems like gum disease and tooth decay and cavities and bad breath and others. Brushing twice a day, flossing once everyday and rinsing once a day will stop you from having any sort of dental surgery for a long time bar any accidents.

If you need any more information or require consultation, call Boones Ferry Dental now and setup an appointment. Call us at 503-713-6877 and let the best dental experts take care of you.

Cost of Root Canal
Posted on: Wednesday, January 13th, 2016

How Much Money Will Root Canal Therapy Cost You?

Not many things in this world will cause you as much agony as an aching tooth. If you are experiencing an unbearable and consistent pain in your tooth every time you eat or drink your tooth may need root canal therapy.

Many patients, though, put off having root canal treatment done out of fear perpetuated by society and past dental generation stories. Not only stories about pain, but also stories about the cost of treatment

This article will help address misconceptions about how much money you’ll have to spend on root canal therapy.root canal lake oswego or

Is It Expensive?

Contrary to popular belief, the root canal process is not as expensive as you might think, particularly compared to the cost of alternative treatments such as extraction and dental implants. For example, according to Okcopay, the basic root canal process, excluding the tooth cap, should cost you between $700-1100 without insurance coverage. Many dental practices now offer payment plan options for patients to help break the overall cost down into smaller, easier-to-manage amounts. So, in fact, there are affordable ways by which you can pay for your root canal therapy. Again, compare this to the overall cost of an extraction, bone grafting and dental implant placement, and a root canal is more affordable by far.

Is Root Canal Therapy Painful?

Many people believe that the root canal process is painful and risky which is actually a long-standing misconception. The process begins with the patient receiving an anesthetic. Sometimes just a local anesthetic, but nitrous oxide, oral and IV sedation may also be available. This will alleviate pain during the procedure and the patient won’t remember anything. Once the effects of anesthetic wear off, the patients may feel minor inflammation or discomfort. Most patients now report being virtually pain-free due to effective use of medications and better techniques and tools.

Long-term Relief

Always make sure that your chosen dentist in Lake Oswego has the skills to successfully treat your back and front teeth. Many people don’t realize that front teeth are easy to treat when compared to posterior ones which have more roots. A skilled and proficient dentist will be able to effectively treat any of your infected teeth. Properly done root canal therapy will relieve you from pain for many years and can even extend the life of the tooth.

Root canal therapy is surrounded by fears and misconceptions spread by those who either received improper care or have never actually gone through the process. The reality depicts a different story altogether.

If you have a bad tooth that doesn’t let you eat or sleep properly, don’t let fear keep you from getting the treatment you need. Book an appointment with Boones Ferry Dental today by calling us now at 503-713-6877 for a complete examination of your tooth. Located at Lake Oswego, OR, we have some of the best dental experts for your dental health.

2 Unexpected Dental Services

Posted on: Sunday, December 27th, 2015

2 Dental Services you May Not Know About

For many people, visits to the dentist are merely a routine step in their lives. Twice a year, they undergo a thorough dental checkup and cleaning, and leave with brighter and cleaner teeth. But, did you know that your dentist can do much more than maintain the state of your teeth?unexpected dental services lake oswego

Dr. Patrick Morrissey from Boones Ferry Dental in Lake Oswego explains 2 dental services you could be taking advantage of.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Your toothpaste probably claims to have teeth-whitening properties, but no over-the-counter paste or mouthwash can ever whiten the teeth more effectively than your dentist’s professional techniques. This is important to keep in mind because tooth discoloration is a problem that can affect everyone. It’s possible for even the most ardent advocates of oral hygiene to become affected by stains over time.

Most dentists perform professional whitening services of some sort, and Dr. Morrissey is certainly no exception. Dr. Morrissey has the expertise and experience necessary to handle the solutions used to brighten teeth. So the next time you visit the office for an appointment, be sure to ask whether a professional teeth whitening treatment would be right for you!

Dental Veneers

Teeth whitening isn’t the only cosmetic treatment to explore. Porcelain veneers are extremely effective treatments as well. Porcelain veneers are thin sheets of porcelain composite material that can be attached to the visible surfaces of the tooth. Not only does the result cover up any imperfections in the tooth, it offers an extra layer of protection to strengthen the tooth.

Dentists use veneers for a variety of cases because the technique can fix anything from extreme tooth discoloration to cracks and chips in a tooth to minor malocclusions (misalignments) in the teeth.

If you have experienced one of these problems, veneers might be right for you. Just call (503) 699-6699 to set up a diagnostic appointment with Dr. Morrissey today!

Infant Dental Care
Posted on: Friday, November 27th, 2015

How Do You Take Care of an Infant’s Teeth?

Taking care of the teeth of an infant should begin as soon as their very first tooth comes in. As soon as a tooth is visible in their mouth, it is susceptible to decay. After a feeding, you should use a soft and damp washcloth or gauze pad to wipe any teeth and the gums of the infant.

Common in young children, “baby bottle syndrome” is one of the top causes of tooth decay. When your infant drinks from a bottle that contains either milk, juice, or formula, it is common for them to fall asleep with the bottle still in their mouth. This exposure to the acids and sugars contained in these can pool around the teeth, causing decay and discoloration. To learn more about this condition, click here.

Breast milk also contains sugar. So you should know that decay can also happen when a baby falls asleep while breastfeeding. To keep your baby from experiencing tooth decay, clean their teeth after each feeding. During nap times and at bedtime, only give them a bottle with water.

Start The Right Habits For Healthy Baby Teeth

Many studies have been done that show children who drink fluoridated water from the time of birth have 65% fewer cavities than those who do not. When these same children become teenagers, a majority of them still have no tooth decay.

For those who live in communities that do not have fluorinated water, you can use tablets, gel, or drops to get fluoride in your water. You can also go to the dentist and get topical fluoride treatments. You can also get fluoride toothpaste and mouthwash to help.

Providing the child with a balanced diet is also a key to healthy teeth and gums. Children all need calcium, which contributes to strong teeth. Some of the best sources of calcium are milk, yogurt, and cheese. There is some research that highly suggests eating cheese after a meal inhibits acids that cause tooth decay. Do not let them have snacks that have starch or sugar.

By Age 3

By the time they are 3, children should be brushing their own teeth with your supervision. When they get their primary teeth, or teeth start to touch each other, it is time to begin flossing.

By Age 8

By age 8, children should be able to floss and brush on their own. Make sure it is a daily routine for them, and you can enhance their experience with a colorful toothbrush and bubble gum flavored toothpaste.

With your guidance, and professional care from a good dentist, children will have the foundation they need to have healthy teeth for a lifetime.

At Boones Ferry Dental, we can care for patients young and old, and specialize in family, implant, and cosmetic dentistry. The friendly staff will make you feel right at home from the time you step in the door. You can follow them on Facebook and Google + to get some special deals on dental procedures, and get tips to improve the oral health of everyone in your family.

Boones Ferry Dental Sponsors Candy Corn Counting Contest
Posted on: Thursday, October 8th, 2015

Patients of Boones Ferry Dental can win a Sonicare toothbrush while having a bit of fun.

New and existing patients of Boones Ferry Dental in Lake Oswego can enter a contest to win a Sonicare electric toothbrush! The contest runs from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31. To enter the contest, the patient must have an appointment for a dental cleaning. Then, patients can take a guess as to how many candy corns are in the container. The winner, who will be announced on Nov. 1, is the patient who comes closest to the correct number.

Dr. Patrick Morrissey recommends Sonicare electric toothbrushes because they do a thorough job of cleaning teeth. This type of toothbrush not only scrubs plaque and debris off teeth, but also works to clean dental plaque in areas where the tips of the bristles don’t even touch.

It rotates at a speed of up to 31,000 brush strokes per minute, which enables it to remove up to two times more plaque than brushing with a traditional toothbrush, cleaning deeply between teeth and along the gumline. It has an angled brush area that makes it easy to reach the back teeth. Sonicare is safe to use on braces and dental restorations, such as fillings, crowns and veneers. It improves gum health and even helps to remove and reduce stains on teeth for a whiter smile. The design is ergonomic, making it easy to handle. It is battery-operated and rechargeable. The toothbrushes usually have a timer on them, so patients know exactly how long they have brushed. They retail for about $100.

In short, the Sonicare electric toothbrush cleans teeth more thoroughly and in less time than using a traditional toothbrush.

“At Boones Ferry Dental value our patients and we want them to have the healthiest teeth possible. That’s why we are giving away a free Sonicare toothbrush,” said Dr. Morrissey. “But we also like to have a bit of fun and celebrate the fall season. We hope all of our patients will make an appointment and come in to guess how many candy corns are in the jar!”

Seeking Sponsors for Foot Golf Tournament for Children
Posted on: Friday, September 25th, 2015

Dr. Patrick Morrissey, dentist for Boones Ferry Dental, is requesting businesses to sponsor a hole at the upcoming foot golf tournament at Lake Oswego Muni Golf Course on Friday, Oct. 2 to support the Westridge Elementary sponsorship

Morrissey is looking for 18 sponsors (one per hole) to support Westridge Elementary School and advertise their businesses. He is willing to create a 30” by 18” sign with a logo to post at one of the holes. He is hoping sponsors would promote their businesses further by adding a table with information and possibly a person handing out information and other marketing materials.

“To my sponsors, thanks for any consideration you can give us and enjoy your last week of summer,” said Morrissey. “Warmly, we have a $99 special that encourages people to become patients as a thank you.”

Foot golf is just like golf with a soccer ball and the holes are big enough for the ball to fit. The event will be held from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m., and there will be a nine-hole shotgun start at the Lake Oswego Muni Golf Course. Teams of four will be the best format for playing. After the round, there will be a catered dinner of brisket, pulled pork and hot dogs. Of course there will be cocktails as well.

This event is being held at the same time as the first ever USFGA National Foot Golf Conference in the world that is being held at the Ben Hogan Learning Center at Rockwood Golf Course in Fort Worth, Texas. USFGA is the largest governing body for foot golf in the United States. For more information on foot golf, visit

Morrisey’s dental practice, Boones Ferry Dental, is located at 5775 Willow Lane, Lake Oswego, OR 97035. His motto is, “Healthy Teeth and Gums for Life”. He offers complete dentistry services including dental implants and cosmetic dentistry as well as general dentistry specializing in preventive dental care. He welcomes new patients and his friendly staff make going to the dentist easy. Learn more at

Should you eat roasted pumpkin seeds?
Posted on: Wednesday, September 16th, 2015

As October gets closer, many children look forward to an event that’s singular in experience–Halloween. As early as weeks before the actual holiday, children start preparing for that day, and one of the most creative and enjoyable things they do is carve a pumpkin for a jack-o’-lantern.


As a parent, though, the activity is unique for a different reason–cleaning up after a pumpkin carving can be an experience of its own. Many families make the clean-up more rewarding is by “reusing” one the ingredients thrown out while carving–the pumpkin seeds. Pumpkin seeds can be roasted to create a tasty and convenient post-carving snack.

But is eating pumpkin seeds really a good idea? To answer this question, Dr. Patrick Morrissey from Boones Ferry Dental explains some of the dental health implications of eating roasted pumpkin seeds.

Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin seeds might not seem like a lot at first sight, but they actually contain a variety of vitamins and minerals that are very beneficial to a person’s health as a whole. These include but are not limited to traces of:

Magnesium, which helps facilitate bone and tooth growth

Manganese, which promote healthy bone structure and growth

Zinc, which boosts a person’s immune system

Iron, used in the production of healthy red blood cells

Calcium, which is used to strengthen bone and tooth mass alike

Pumpkin seeds are nutritionally on par with other types of seeds and can benefit a person’s health in many lesser-known ways. Roasting pumpkin seeds, then, is a good way to take advantage of the nutrients naturally found in the plant.

Pumpkin Seeds and Teeth

It would be enough to roast pumpkin seeds based on just the vitamin and minerals found in the seeds, but the benefits of pumpkin seeds goes further than that. As dentists have found out, pumpkin seeds can be good for the teeth.

Part of the benefit does stem from the mineral traces in the seeds. Components of pumpkin seeds like magnesium and calcium are typically described as beneficial to the bones, but these same minerals can provide extra strength and durability to the teeth. Eating pumpkin seeds can cause your body to repair the enamel surfaces of the teeth over time.

However, more of the benefit from pumpkin seeds comes from the fact that the process of chewing on the seeds can spur saliva development. As the body’s natural way of cleaning the mouth and preserving the teeth, saliva is a crucial aspect of oral health. Foods that catalyze saliva production, then, help the teeth help preserve themselves.

Of course, no food is ever effective enough to replace good oral hygiene and regular dental visits. To maintain your oral health, you should not only focus on your diet but also constantly brush your teeth and visit the dental. Schedule an appointment today with Dr. Morrissey from Boones Ferry Dental by calling (503) 699-6699 or by visiting the website to get your biannual checkup!

Dr. Morrissey Stresses the Importance of Heart Disease Prevention
Posted on: Thursday, September 10th, 2015

Many are well versed in the so-called “common sense facts” about heart disease prevention: These include eating a healthy diet, watching salt intake, and getting enough exercise and sleep. Far fewer, however, may know that good oral health, including regular visits to a dentist, can also play an important part in heart disease prevention.

Poor dental hygiene can lead to periodontal disease and atherosclerosis

Atherosclerosis occurs when cholesterol, calcium, and large white blood cells called macrophages (harbingers of inflammation) build up in artery walls. Periodontal disease can promote this inflammation of blood vessels and make the risk of atherosclerosis more likely. People who have periodontal disease, for example, typically have elevated levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation that is associated with a greater risk of coronary artery disease. Those with periodontal disease also have elevated levels of another marker for inflammation that can mean a patient is at greater risk of heart disease, lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2.

Dr. Patrick Morrissey of Boones Ferry Dental seeks to educate patients on the importance of good oral health and its connection to good cardiovascular health and heart disease prevention. His philosophy as a dentist is “always to do what is best for the patient.”

Good dental hygiene can reverse periodontal disease and help prevent heart disease.

In regard to heart disease prevention, preventative periodontics and dentistry are the gentle but effective weapons of choice. Regular exams mean that any signs of gum disease can be caught early. Thorough cleaning and polishing removes plaque buildup and tartar that can cause gum inflammation and, if left unchecked, arteriosclerosis.

Regular checkups can also help prevent and even partially reverse heart disease in patients who already have active periodontal disease

Even when patients already have active periodontal disease, regular checkups can still help prevent heart disease in those patients. Patients who receive good dental care on a regular basis and take their own oral hygiene seriously at home can improve vascular function over time.

One study used something called the carotid intimal medial thickness test to show that treating periodontal disease aggressively can also partially reverse existing vascular disease and thus help reverse and prevent heart disease. This test assesses how thick the plaque located in the carotid arteries is. The thicker the plaque, the less space there is for blood travel through the vessel and the greater risk the patient has for heart disease, including catastrophic events like heart attack and stroke. By the same token, as the plaque build up dissolves, the threat of heart disease and catastrophic events as described lessen.

Teeth Whitening for School Portraits
Posted on: Saturday, August 29th, 2015

Teeth Whitening for School Portraits

Now that it’s back-to-school-season once again, one of the things that students look forward to in school, aside from seeing their friends after the break, is posing for school portraits and taking new batch pictures with their classmates and friends.

School portraits serve as a timeless memento of your student’s milestones and a way of keeping memories for a lifetime. That’s why so many students make sure they look their best for the cameras. That includes making sure that you have a beautiful white smile.

Teeth whitening is the answer

If you want to have a perfect smile for your school portrait, tooth whitening is the answer. While Photoshop can whiten your teeth in your pictures, it won’t give you the confidence to smile beautifully when you pose in front of the cameras. Only a pearly white smile can give your teen a confidence that will transcend your pictures.

What is teeth whitening?

Tooth whitening is one of the most common procedures done by dentists. Tooth whitening is used to lighten the color of the teeth, especially those with yellow, brown or gray tones. It is used to remove stains on the teeth commonly caused by drinking coffee, tea or red wine and smoking tobacco.

In-office teeth whitening

There are two kinds of whitening systems available, one is in-office tooth whitening and the other is at-home tooth whitening. Between the two, it is highly recommended to undergo in-office whitening since the process is supervised by dentists. A dentist-supervised tooth whitening procedure is more beneficial because:

Your dentist knows your dental history, so he can examine your teeth to if it’s okay for your teeth to undergo a whitening or bleaching procedure.

Your dentist can safely determine the best treatment and/or type of tooth whitening necessary for your teeth.

In-office tooth whitening is more effective and has better results so you’re sure to get your money’s worth from it.

Your oral health is safe because your dentist knows what he’s doing and can minimize any potential side effects.

Maintaining your beautiful smile

With tooth whitening, you not only get a beautiful smile for your pictures, but the right treatment and maintenance plan afterwards can also help your results last for up to three years.

You can maintain your teeth whitening results by:

Avoiding dark-colored foods and drinks, especially a few days after your tooth whitening procedure.

Practicing good oral hygiene which includes brushing your teeth with a whitening toothpaste for short periods in between whitening treatments. Undergoing follow-up teeth whitening treatment at least once year.

If you want to have a pearly white smile for your school portrait, visit Boone Ferry Dental today and talk to us about teeth whitening. Dr. Morrissey and his team of dental care experts will surely give you the best professional teeth whitening in Lake Oswego, OR. Have your teeth examined and whitened today! Call us at (503) 683-7484 to book your appointment or visit us online at!

What Drinks Should We Have on Hand for the Summer Events?
Posted on: Friday, August 7th, 2015

Summer is filled with parties, celebrations, get-togethers, and beach time. And all of these events call for drinks and refreshments to stay hydrated and keep everyone’s spirits alive. But if you’re a tooth-conscious individual, it’s important to know what different kinds of drinks can do to your teeth. Let’s find out what drinks are the best and worst for your teeth.

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The Most Tooth-Damaging Summer Drinks

Before you blend those drinks and serve them to your guests, here are some of the beverages you should avoid if you don’t want to damage your teeth.

Soda. Soda, especially dark-colored ones, are filled with sugar and the carbonation makes these drinks highly acidic. Acidity can erode tooth enamel and allow easier penetration by bacteria, while sugar promotes bacterial growth.

Wine. Red wine has a very vivid pigment that stains the teeth, and the alcohol content of both red and white wines can also erode tooth enamel. Alcohol is naturally acidic and contains sugar which contributes to tooth decay.

Beer. Like wine, beer is an alcoholic beverage. It’s acidic and contains sugar. It also works as a diuretic which means the body loses water as you drink it. This can affect saliva production and reduce the teeth’s natural defenses. Dark beers can also stain the teeth.

Lemonade. Although it doesn’t have alcohol, lemonade is like beer on teeth. It has a very high acid content and it’s also loaded with sugar, unless you can take the raw tartness of lemon juice.

Juice mix. Juice mixes like Kool Aid are filled with sugar, as does powdered iced tea.

The Most Tooth-Friendly Summer Drinks

If you want to keep your teeth healthy while enjoying some refreshing summer drinks, here are some choices for you.

Milk. Plain milk is the best beverage for teeth, providing lots of calcium and vitamin D. However, what fun is plain milk at parties? Spice it up by making milkshake, mixing fresh fruits with milk, and blending it or adding a concentrate to enhance the natural flavor. Go easy on the sugar, though, because too much sugar will overpower the health benefits of milk.

Root beer. Any kind of soda is bad for the teeth, but if you really want soda, World Dental recommends root beer. It has the lowest sugar content and acidity compared to most soft drinks. Add a lot of ice to dilute the acidity even further.

Fresh fruit juice. Fresh fruit juice is not the from-concentrate ones found in cans or tetra packs, but rather from freshly squeezed fruits. Some manufacturers sell real, fresh fruit juice which you can identify according to the label. Pulpy fruit juices are often the real thing. Fresh fruit juices are slightly acidic but their nutrient content can contribute to overall health.

Light-colored tea. White and green teas have valuable nutrients which are good for the body and for the teeth. They work like water in replenishing saliva and reducing bacterial growth. Make tea fun by adding ice to it!

Water. Water is the best beverage for teeth, but it’s not as enjoyable as soda or fruit juice. A good pointer to follow is to always drink water after eating. Rinsing the mouth with water reduces acidity and washes away food, bacteria, and other foreign substances in between teeth.

Hops beer. Beer made from hops has a healthier acidity from tannins. It’s not as strong as regular malt beer and it also has a lighter color which doesn’t stain teeth as much.

Post-Drinking Dental Care at Boones Ferry Dental

After all of your summer picnics and get-togethers, it’s time to visit Boones Ferry Dental Clinic for a dental exam. Our senior dentist Dr. Patrick Morrissey will check your teeth for any signs of damage. After thorough observation, Dr. Morrissey will give treatment recommendations to ensure that any impending dental problem is treated immediately.

Don’t take your dental health for granted, no matter how tempting the food on the table is. Spending summer with friends and family is much more enjoyable if you have healthy and strong teeth!

What Summer Sports are Worst for Teeth and Jaws?
Posted on: Tuesday, June 16th, 2015

Finally, the warm weather is here! After a long winter stuck indoors, you can get out of the house and go play your favorite summer sport, whether it’s baseball, swimming, or soccer. But beware — as Dr. Patrick Morrissey and the staff at Boones Ferry Dental in Lake Oswego, Oregon could tell you, some summer sports are worse for teeth and jaws than others!

(Unintentional) Contact Sports

Of course, the worst kind of sport for teeth and jaws is any kind of contact sport, such as boxing or mixed martial arts.

The good news, as far as oral health is concerned, is that summer has very few contact sports — or at least they aren’t supposed to be contact sports!

When you are playing baseball, softball, or soccer, for instance, things can move very fast. Teammates on a soccer team may be going for the ball at the same time and accidentally collide. The same can happen in baseball as players are looking at that sky-high pop fly and getting ready to catch it and don’t notice that they are about to run right into each other. Full-on collisions with a teammate can definitely be bad for the head, teeth, and jaw.

And, in any of these sports, the ball can travel at amazing speeds sometimes right at a player’s face!

The Safest Sports

If you are cringing at the thought of how much it would hurt to catch a fastball with your mouth, you’ll be happy to know that there are many summer sports that are much safer than baseball, softball, and soccer.

There’s track and field, where the odds are very low that players will come into contact with each other. There is competitive swimming, where you are always inches away from your nearest rival. However, when it comes to summer sports that are safe for teeth and jaws, fishing just may be the safest!

Protecting Your Teeth and Jaws

If you are excited that you finally have the chance to play your favorite sport, but concerned that it could accidentally turn into a contact sport, a mouthguard can help.

Mouthguards used to be just for boxers, but now they are often worn by athletes in all kinds of sports. Mouthguards are made out of hard plastic and they cover the teeth and the gums to protect them. It is even thought that mouthguards can help to reduce the harm levels of a concussion, if the player gets a concussion after he has taken a hard hit to the jaw.

Many players of summer sports, such as soccer and water polo, wear mouthguards. Some leagues, especially if they are youth leagues, require them.

Do you have to wear a mouthguard while fishing? Probably not! But the bottom line is that your teeth and jaw can be easily injured when you are playing certain kinds of summer sports, and you should take precautions to protect them when you can.

Dr. Morrissey and the staff at Boones Ferry Dental in Lake Oswego, Oregon, care about your teeth and jaw, and they want to help you to keep them healthy! Call Boones Ferry Dental for an appointment today, at (503) 699-6699.

Can Oral Health cause a Miscarriage?
Posted on: Saturday, May 9th, 2015

Can Oral Health cause a Miscarriage?

In February 2014, the American Dental Association sponsored a public awareness program to educate Americans on the importance of oral health. Most people do not associate oral health with overall health, but good oral health can actually have a significant impact on a person’s health, especially for pregnant women. In 2012, a six-month pregnant woman was admitted into Gia Dinh Hospital in Ho Chi Minh City where she was suffering from natal bleeding. Although the doctors managed to save both the mother and her baby, the baby died from complications a few days later. The baby suffered from a heart condition, which was brought about by a gum inflammation that the mother suffered during her pregnancy.

Here at Boones Ferry Dental, we have a top-notch dental team headed by Dr. Patrick Morrissey, your dentist in Lake Oswego, Oregon. Each patient that comes through our doors will get our complete care and attention, and we are devoted to bring high-quality care for all our patients.

Hormonal Changes during Pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman’s body produces increased levels of progesterone. This hormone is essential for a healthy pregnancy, but it also increases the chance of a woman getting gum disease. It is common for pregnant women to experience redness, swelling, or tender gums as well as bleeding gums after they brush or floss.

The increase of progesterone changes the way that the mouth reacts to plaque buildup. Normally, a person resists the toxins that result from plaque buildup, but for pregnant women, these toxins can affect their gum health more easily. As a result, gum disease, receding gums, or tooth decay can occur. Bacteria can enter the body through these wounds and enter the bloodstream.

Poor Oral Health and Miscarriage

When the bacteria caused by poor oral health enter the bloodstream of a pregnant woman, it can easily move through the body into that of the unborn child. Because the baby does not have any resistance to bacteria yet, this can cause a myriad of congenital defects. This also can cause blood poisoning for the mother, or natal bleeding, which can both result in a miscarriage.

Dr. Morrissey is a leading expert in dental health, and he has treated many pregnant women as his patients. If you are expecting, or you plan to get pregnant, it is advisable to maintain good oral health. At Boones Ferry Dental, our staff are trained in the latest dental techniques, and we have cutting-edge dental equipment to help give you the best dental care.

Oral Hygiene During Pregnancy

It is surprisingly easy to maintain good oral hygiene before and during pregnancy. The most essential thing is finding the right toothbrush. Find a toothbrush with soft bristles so that you reduce the chances of bleeding gums. Daily flossing is also a must; flossing helps remove plaque from between the teeth, which is something that brushing alone can’t usually do.

You should also regularly schedule visits to your dentist during pregnancy to ensure that you are maintaining good oral health. Visit us here at Boones Ferry Dental in Lake Oswego, OR, and meet Dr. Morrissey to avail of his expertise in dental health. Call us at (503) 713-6877 to book an appointment, or visit us at 5775 Willow Lane, Lake Oswego, OR 97035.

2 Unexpected Dental Services
Posted on: Sunday, December 27th, 2015

2 Dental Services you May Not Know About

For many people, visits to the dentist are merely a routine step in their lives. Twice a year, they undergo a thorough dental checkup and cleaning, and leave with brighter and cleaner teeth. But, did you know that your dentist can do much more than maintain the state of your teeth?unexpected dental services lake oswego

Dr. Patrick Morrissey from Boones Ferry Dental in Lake Oswego explains 2 dental services you could be taking advantage of.

Professional Teeth Whitening

Your toothpaste probably claims to have teeth-whitening properties, but no over-the-counter paste or mouthwash can ever whiten the teeth more effectively than your dentist’s professional techniques. This is important to keep in mind because tooth discoloration is a problem that can affect everyone. It’s possible for even the most ardent advocates of oral hygiene to become affected by stains over time.

Most dentists perform professional whitening services of some sort, and Dr. Morrissey is certainly no exception. Dr. Morrissey has the expertise and experience necessary to handle the solutions used to brighten teeth. So the next time you visit the office for an appointment, be sure to ask whether a professional teeth whitening treatment would be right for you!

Dental Veneers

Teeth whitening isn’t the only cosmetic treatment to explore. Porcelain veneers are extremely effective treatments as well. Porcelain veneers are thin sheets of porcelain composite material that can be attached to the visible surfaces of the tooth. Not only does the result cover up any imperfections in the tooth, it offers an extra layer of protection to strengthen the tooth.

Dentists use veneers for a variety of cases because the technique can fix anything from extreme tooth discoloration to cracks and chips in a tooth to minor malocclusions (misalignments) in the teeth.

If you have experienced one of these problems, veneers might be right for you. Just call (503) 699-6699 to set up a diagnostic appointment with Dr. Morrissey today!

Colds and Oral Hygiene
Posted on: Sunday, April 5th, 2015

Colds and Oral Hygiene

Being sick and having to keep up a proper oral hygiene routine can feel like a daunting task, but doing so can help to shorten the length of colds while helping to prevent them in the future. Colds affect the entire body, including the teeth, and many people experience tooth discomfort and pain during the life of a cold. Dental professionals state that they often see an increase in patients during cold season due to the uncertainty of oral pain in relation to sickness. Maintaining oral hygiene during a cold can be beneficial in shortening its life and reducing uncertainty.

Shorten the Life of Colds

Brushing and flossing a minimum of twice a day, rinsing with mouthwash regularly and staying hydrated can help to reduce the length of a cold. Having a healthy mouth allows the body’s immune system to focus entirely on eliminating the virus that is causing the cold. When oral hygiene is lacking and the mouth gets riddled with gum disease or tooth decay, the immune system has to put some effort into trying to rid the mouth of these problems. Allowing the immune system to focus on one thing at a time allows it to overcome any issues more efficiently.

Oral Discomfort in Relation to Colds

Sharp, shooting pains in the teeth and gums can be experienced during the duration of a cold. This discomfort is caused by inflamed sinuses, which happens to some individuals while they are sick. The sinuses are on either side of the nose above the gum line, and when they become inflamed they press down into the roots of teeth that have a lot of sensitivity, and the pressure caused by the sinuses pressing into them can be very painful.

Relieving Tooth Pain

Relieving the pain caused by inflamed sinuses pressing down onto the teeth roots cannot be achieved quickly. Due to the sinuses being the root of the problem, oral pain can be relieved only by reducing the inflammation. Decreasing the size of the sinuses can be achieved by the end of the cold, which can come faster if dental hygiene is maintained despite the discomfort. While waiting out the duration of the cold, visiting a dental professional or general health practitioner for medication can be beneficial. There are many pain relieving medications available, which can be bought over the counter if unable to get a prescription. Meeting with a dental professional can help confirm the best type of medication for the issue.

Confirming the cause of tooth discomfort

Having a proper oral hygiene routine can help to reduce uncertainty caused by tooth pain. Those who have a healthy mouth and practice a regular dental routine are more likely to know whether oral discomfort is being caused by a serious problem or whether it is inflamed sinuses. Checking with a dental professional is the best way to confirm the cause of oral pain and help prevent any problems that may occur if something is left untreated.

5 Signs you may need a Root Canal
Posted on: Thursday, March 12th, 2015

Check out this infographic about 5 Signs you may need a Root Canal.


Super bowl weekend! Are you ready?
Posted on: Friday, January 30th, 2015

Super bowl is this Sunday and we are interested to know who you are rooting for. We have our gear on and ready to go for the big day. Do you? Call and let us know who you are rooting for before Sunday and we will give you a free fluoride treatment with your next appointment. Not a patient with us? No problem. Call and set up a new patient exam and an answer with who you hope to see win the super bowl and you as well will get a free fluoride treatment with your appointment. Our office number is (503) 699-6699. Go Seahawks and Patriots!


Valentine’s day
Posted on: Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Valentine’s day is just around the corner and we wanted to take the opportunity to remind everyone of our at-home bleaching treatment. We want to help you get ready for your big date by providing you with a sparkling smile. Come into our office for a custom fitted set of bleach trays and bleach kit and come back for refills whenever you start to run low. Call our office today to book a short appointment and start your journey to a brighter smile! You can also find about best online casinos in Australia and Halloween makeup tutorial.

New Year Resolutions
Posted on: Thursday, January 22nd, 2015

The New Year is here and with a new year comes new resolutions. Your new year’s resolution could be to start maintaining your yearly checkup exams with your local dentist and if that’s the case then come stop by. We have a spectacular special going on right now for a new patient exam! Call for details (503) 683-7484.

Countdown Is On
Posted on: Saturday, December 13th, 2014

With the countdown officially on, Christmas is only twelve days away and that means the New Year is creeping up fast! Don’t forget that your insurance renews on January 1st and whatever insurance you don’t use will be gone. We have a few spots available until the end of the year for a last minute cleaning but hurry in now before the available appointment slots are taken. No insurance? No problem! You don’t have to wait until insurance is available to you, we have a limited time offer for a new patient special of $99.00 normally a $324.00 value. Call today to schedule your cleaning with us! We would love to see you before the new year!

Holiday Offer

Posted on: Thursday, December 4th, 2014

With the holidays approaching quickly, we would like to offer you some personal time to relax in a warm and friendly environment. We understand as the Christmas season nears times can get very busy and overwhelming, that is why we are offering a new patient special for $99! This includes updated x-rays, a full dental exam and a regular cleaning! How can you say no? Come on in and relax in our comfortable dental chairs and hang out with our amazing staff while getting this limited time offer.


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